A New Standard for Beauty

I spent over two decades in the beauty industry in different facets: big cosmetic companies and smaller skincare companies as well as spas, salons and my own business.

The industry that I was very much a part of perpetuates what I will call a dangerous standard of female beauty and value. They want women feeling "less than," competing with models and striving for this idea of perfection. They spend billions in advertising to teach women that their worth lies in their appearance.

Then they use ingredients and manufacturing practices that have the potential to harm labor workers, their consumers, animals and the environment. The focus is always the bottom line. The profit.

Is this ALL beauty companies? Certainly not. There are some truly wonderful skincare companies and spas that arrive to be different But this IS most beauty companies. And the collective messaging of the industry is "how can we keep our consumers coming back for more and more?" Enough is never enough. More products, more treatments, ever changing fads and trends to keep women buying in hopes of achieving a perfect completion and higher self esteem.

Why do we - as women - buy into this lie that our worth is tethered to our appearance? Why do we accept that airbrushed models and perfect social media lives are the expectation? Let’s encourage a new standard for beauty. One that acknowledges the beauty of one’s soul. One that allows for imperfections and aging naturally. One that considers a woman’s worth not entirely based on her looks. One that sets aside comparison and profit.

You are beautiful - right now - just as you are. Women are meant to be real - not flawless. Women are meant to be all different shapes, sizes, and colors. Our worth is not tied to our appearance. The most effective skincare focuses on self care and does not require harsh ingredients or tons of money. No one had "perfect skin." No one. And perfect skin will NOT fulfill you just like that new car or outfit won't.

I'm hoping things continue to change and that we, as women, continue to break down the negative messaging.

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